I rarely make block-based quilts. On the up-side: my attention doesn’t wane; on the down-side: I tend to design quilts with lots of different pieces that are rarely the same size. Which means I have a lot to keep track of! I’ve tried several different ways to do this: stacking the pieces in order of dimension, writing the dimensions on the back with chalk, etc. I’ve finally settled on stickers! I love those little, round garage-sale stickers. There is just enough adhesive to keep them on without leaving a residue. I avoid hitting them with the iron – but I have done so many times and it has never had any effect.
When I start a project with lots of pieces, I write each size on a sticker – if I’m cutting several different fabrics at once, I’ll note the fabric as well. This way, I can just take my stack of stickers to my cutting table and use them as my guide. I transfer each sticker as I cut each piece. When all the stickers are done, I am done! I also use these stickers when I have a bunch of improvisational blocks to make of specific sizes (as in the pictured project).