A Visit to Birmingham

I recently visited the Birmingham Quilters Guild. As much as I have traveled, this was my first trip to Alabama – an extra perk: it was snowing when I left KC (and, yes, it was just a couple of weeks ago!). Birmingham was beautiful and the quilt guild was a delight. I love sitting through business meetings of different guilds and seeing what they are up to. In Birmingham, they are very busy!

I was there to talk about negative space and teach two workshops. I really just want to share a few photos of their work. I always forget to get a group shot, honestly, I’m lucky if I remember to take any pictures!

The first workshop was ‘Circles & Sticks’ where we covered insertion techniques and bias curves. The designs were diverse – it’s always fun to see what everyone comes up with!

The second workshop was Shattered 9-Patch. Some opted for the ombre effect, some went without. This is one of my favorite techniques.

One thought on “A Visit to Birmingham

  1. Sure enjoy seeing the kinds of things you’re teaching. I especially like the insertion strips, and bias fabric work. The latter is really neat with the chevron and striped fabrics. Makes me want to do more bias tape work! Glad you had a get-away that included nicer weather. It was a l-o-n-g winter in the Midwest, wasn’t it?

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