Beautiful Things Come in Ugly Brown Boxes!

I am the lucky person that gets to be the chairperson for Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild’s swaps and challenges. We are getting ready for our next challenge that will be announced at the April meeting. I have been working with Michael Miller Fabrics for this one! It pays to talk to strangers at QuiltCon!

Last Friday my dog started barking – she only barks at cats and people near our front door! Lo and behold … the UPS man! Look at what he dropped at my front door!

Michael Miller Box!

Better yet, take a peek at what was inside!

Mirror Ball Dot!

I am so excited about this challenge! I am looking forward to seeing the results! Mirror Ball Dot and Cotton Couture, that’s about all I can say for now … more details to come in April!

Mirror Ball Dot Redux

I’ve been hearing about the re-release of the Mirror Ball Dot fabric line for the last couple of weeks. Today I found a blog post about it – here. I am reminded of the quilts that I made with the original line. So here’s the story …

My sister and my mom both bought kits (called Good Cents) with the entire original line of the Mirror Ball Dot fabric. I loved the fabric, but I’m just not a pattern kind of a girl. So, I told them that I’d like to have all of their scraps. The next time that I visited my mom, there on the dresser was a bag of scraps. To clarify, there on the dresser was a sandwich-sized bag of the shreds of fabric that they trimmed to straighten their cuts. Oh, my sister is SO funny! Hidden away in the sewing room was the real bag of scraps! Well, I couldn’t let my sister have the last laugh, so I made a quilt from her ‘scraps’.

Mirror Ball Dot - Tammy's Trees

Tammy's Trees

This quilt is only 7″x10″. I guess I really did get the last laugh, because I gave my sister this quilt and borrowed it back later to put in a show. Somehow, I am still in possession of the quilt (until she sees this)! I made a king-size quilt for my bed, but I now realize that I don’t have a picture of it. I’ll have to take one and post that next.

There may be another Mirror Ball Dot quilt in my future ….